SAP HANA Development C_HANADEV_17 Certification

SAP HANA Development C_HANADEV_17 Certification
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SAP HANA Development  C_HANADEV_17


To make your SAP HANADEV 17 Certification Exam (C_HANADEV_17) preparation easy, our team of experts has designed an Online SAP HANADEV 17 Certification Practice Exam. Our experts have carefully maintained exam structure, syllabus, topic weights, cut score and time duration same as actual SAP HANA Development - C_HANADEV_17 Certification Exam. Our online SAP HANADEV 17 Certification practice exams contain practical case study based questions and answers. We have prepared question bank for this practice exam with the help of experts' domain knowledge and collective feedback received from recently certified candidates. These questions and answers are verified by our experts which are frequently asked and similar to what you face in actual SAP HANA Development Certification Exam.



Why Choose Us for SAP HANADEV 17 Certification Practice Exam?

We are a team of experienced and certified SAP HANADEV 17 Consultants with more than 10 years of experience in the industry. Our team regularly works with candidates who have cleared their SAP HANADEV 17 Certification Exam in recent past. We collect latest updates from these candidates to prepare the best quality questions for the practice exam. Our experts regularly refine our premium question bank to make sure you clear your SAP HANA Development Certification Exam in the first attempt.

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​​This is the most important advantage of using our online practice exam platform to prepare for SAP HANADEV 17 Certification Exam with SAP HANA. You can identify the weak areas of your subject knowledge to improve from detailed result history with selected and correct answers. You can track your day by day progress with the result history of each practice exam attempt. You can not think about result history, and progress report with SAP HANA Development dumps in PDF.


SAP HANADEV 17 Certification Sample Question

01. What characterizes the Node.js environment?

There are 2 correct answers to this question.
a) It is a client-side design-time environment for JavaScript.
b) It is built on Google's V8 JavaScript engine.
c) It uses a synchronous programming model.
d) It is single-threaded.
Answer: b, d
02. You need to access a remote database table object within your HDB module in a Multi-target application project.
In SAP HANA extended application services, advanced model (XS advanced) a user-provided service was created to access the external schema. The service is already declared in the Multi-target application project YAML file.
Which activities do you perform?
There are 3 correct answers to this question.
a) Create a view that refers to the table.
b) Create a synonym for the remote table object.
c) Create a synonym that refers to the view.
d) Create/update the .hdbgrants file providing authorizations for the remote schema.
e) Create a view that refers to a synonym.
Answer: b, d, e
03. Which of the following are characteristics of SAPUI5?
There are 3 correct answers to this question.
a) Provides an extensibility concept
b) Supports customer-specific theming
c) Enables responsive application design
d) Renders the UI on the server side
e) Provides a device-specific user experience
Answer: a, b, c
04. You implement an asynchronous Node.js service that sends requests to the database. How do you handle the database responses?
There are 2 correct answers to this question.
a) Process the callback methods in the order in which the requests are sent by the service.
b) Call a method directly after every send request.
c) Process the callback methods in the order in which the requests are returned from the database.
d) Register a callback method for every sent request.
Answer: c, d
05. What are some of the advantages of SQLScript compared to plain SQL queries?
There are 2 correct answers to this question.
a) It contains a well-defined ANSI standard.
b) It enables modular parameterized programing.
c) It retrieves a high data volume from a database.
d) It increases performance by parallel execution of complex SQL statements.
Answer: b, d
06. You develop a Node.js application for the SAP HANA platform that executes a SQL statement in the SAP HANA database. Which modules do you use?
There are 2 correct answers to this question.
a) @sap/instance-manager
b) @sap/node-vsi
c) @sap/xsenv
d) @sap/hdbext
Answer: c, d
07. To which SAP HANA authorization entities can you grant a role?
There are 2 correct answers to this question.
a) User
b) Role
c) Privilege
d) Object
Answer: a, b
08. You develop an OData service using XSODATA. Which HTTP commands can you use to define the operations on the resources?
There are 3 correct answers to this question.
b) GET
c) PUT
Answer: b, c, e
09. You need to manage an exception in a SQLScript. Which SQLScript features can you use?
There are 2 correct answers to this question.
Answer: c, d
10. Which tool do you use to create a calculation view in a multi-target application?
Please choose the correct answer.
b) SAP HANA studio
c) SAP HANA Web-based Development Workbencd) SAP HANA database explorer
Answer: a
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